Polish Patrons of 2024

On March 24, 2024, the Center for Polish Initiatives in Greece organized a pre-Christmas meeting. It was dedicated not only to Easter traditions, but also to our Polish patrons of 2024.

During the meeting, its participants remembered outstanding artists, their lives and rich works, and read fragments of the works of Nobel Prize winner Czesław Miłosz “On the bank of the river”, Marek Hłasko “Stories” and poems by K. Wierzyński “Olympic Laurel”. These poems referring to the Olympic Games were also an opportunity to remember the Olympic Games that took place in Athens in 2004. Mr. Jacek Gmoch, honorary President of the Center for Polish Initiatives in Greece, was Attache of the Olympic Games in 2004, and President Beata Panagiotopoulou reported for Polish television a review of the Greek press on the sports achievements of Poles.

Czesław Miłosz’s poems “Who Have You Hurt”, “Love”, “I Suffer” and “Spells” read by OIP members will remain in the memory of the meeting participants for a long time.

The Center for Polish Initiatives in Greece also invited students from Poland from the Technical School Complex in Lubsko, who are in Greece on internships at iStart, to the meeting. Students had the opportunity to recite poems by outstanding Polish poets.

It was an extraordinary meeting, full of words and emotions. Students from Poland could get acquainted with Polish youth, learn about their interest in culture and literature. There were discussions about the importance of art and literature in our everyday lives.

The participants of the meeting were also graduates of the School Complex. Zygmunt Mineyko at the Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Athens, Szymon Kozłowski and Markos Mavridis, who willingly take action for the Polish community. The group of young OIP members includes Adriana Deli, who, during the evening dedicated to the Patrons of 2024, movingly presented their lives, often full of difficult and touching moments.

Mediator Lidia Ostrowska thanked the Center for Polish Initiatives in Greece for the invitation and the opportunity to participate in such an unforgettable event.

Information about the Patrons of the Year 2024 was prepared by Ms. Grażyna Adamidu, who also selected the works read by the meeting participants.

OIP President Beata Panagiotopoulou and Vice-President Marzena Mavridis wished everyone a Happy Easter and thanked the meeting participants for their commitment to promoting Polish culture and holiday traditions.
