Polish Women’s Club in Athens

“Some people believe that the desire to be a friend is enough, as if wishing someone good health was enough to live a healthy life” – this highly intricate quote from the Greek intellectual genius Aristotle talks about the desire for friendship as a mutual relationship. The desire for friendship is not enough, you also need to take the first step to establishing it.

This first step was taken by the Polish Women’s Club in Athens, an informal association established in 1998 on the initiative of Mrs. Ewa Lamentowicz, wife of Mr. Wojciech Lamentowicz, the then Ambassador of the Republic of Poland in Athens.

The club was created mainly by Polish-Greek couples who knew how to beautifully fulfill and implement from the heart this thought of the great Hellenic sage, so true but simple in its message.

Club members cooperated with the Polish community by conducting numerous charity events. They experienced sorrows and joys together. Living in the hospitable Greek land, respecting and admiring its wonderful history and monuments, we never forgot about Poland, the country of our ancestors.

In the local environment, the Polish Women’s Club in Athens promoted Polish culture, language, history and took care of Polish national identity.

The Club members shared particular problems typical of bilingual families. However, they motivated each other to educate children in supplementary education at the Polish School in Athens. Thanks to their efforts and perseverance, many students are graduates of supplementary teaching at the School Complex. Zygmunt Mineyko at the Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Athens.

Once, a Polish feast classic wrote that “all Poles are one family.” Another classic effectively argues that “family is not happy when it is there. But when it is not there, you are lonely like a dog.”


That is why the Women of the Women’s Club – Polish women, have supported Polishness for many years and built respect for other people like in the best Polish family.